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En regle generale, il est recommande aux bodybuilders d avoir un exces de 30 a 35 calories par kilogramme de poids corporel, clenbuterol kullanımı. Some of the most well-known and commonly used oil-based steroids include Boldenone Equipoise , Drostanolone Masteron , Nandrolone Deca NPP and Testosterone esters like Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate and Sustanon. A few of the most popular water-based steroids are Winstrol depot, Testosterone Suspension and Trenbolone Suspension. These versions of Test and Tren have no esters attached to them to slow down their release into the blood, and so their action is a lot faster than their esterified versions. How to Inject Steroids Safely, . Most of these compounds will need to be administered intramuscularly, therefore it is advised to learn how to correctly do this before you buy injectable steroids in our store..


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